The simple, mobile app solution to get you started on your business.
Live website for your business in seconds
Your business deserves a professional online presence. With Fig, you can create a custom website in seconds —right from your mobile device. Add your unique details, and go live instantly, allowing customers to find you with ease.
Mobile friendly
Instant publishing
Custom design & domain
User-friendly interface
Allow your customers to find you and contact you
Manage your customer inbound contacts from one place. Fig's mobile app enables you to receive real-time push notifications on your phone so you can quickly follow up with potential customers, giving them a great experience.
Push notifications
Exceptional customer experience
Built-in contact form
Immediate online presence
Save weeks of manual work
Say goodbye to learning code and website design. No more complexity, just pure simplicity. Enter some keywords about the type of business you want to create, or your existing business, and watch Fig work its magic.
Custom website in seconds
Launch in seconds
No coding skills required
Built-in functionality
We’re changing the game with our app — fair pricing for service entrepreneurs
Hours Saved
Fig users have collectively saved thousands of hours of work
Free Custom Domains
Millions of free custom domains for our Premium Subscribers
User Satisfaction
Our user experience is loved by 96%+ of our early adopters
Customer Support
Fig's team is available around the clock for premium users
Business Categories
Fig supports 100s of different service-based business types
28 seconds
Average Setup Time
It takes just under 30 seconds to create a custom website
/month, billed annually
Gain full access to Fig's powerful tools, designed to simplify and help scale your service business
Ad-free experience
Customizable website
Real-time contact notifications
Free custom domain
High quality images
Priority support
Website hosting
Business growth resources